The Baum Test written by Kosaka Shigeru
「バウムテスト」英語版紹介 小坂茂 著
Aspect of this book
This book written according to the numerous of analysis and diagnosis through Baum test conducted by the author. This book is written in a way that people involved in psychology and education can make references easily when they conduct personality diagnosis. While references to the index exhibited by Koch, the founder of Baum test, are made faithfully, this book is written in a way that readers can fully understand the methods of analysis and diagnosis through the author`s experiences with Baum test。 Approximately 300 articles are introduced in order to interpret Baum test.
Most frequent and most important 50 articles are chosen,so that diagnosis of personality can be conducted Baum test in clinical situations without conducting the test mechanically.
ISBN978-946428-37-1 \6500E(excluding consumption tax)
910 411 Turunotyo
Kita-ku、Osaka 530-0014 Japan